Best Burgers Around

Fox is now airing its sixth season of Bob’s Burgers, and it’s definitely the show that you should be recording.

Bob’s Burgers airs on Fox, [Adult Swim], and the first four seasons are on Netflix.

Grace Strasheim, Staff Writer

Bob’s Burgers is an animated TV show for adults that airs on Fox and is sometimes on [adult swim]. There are four seasons on Netflix, and let me tell you, I have watched every single episode in every season about 10 times.

At first, you turn on Bob’s Burgers and you’re like, what in the world is this creepy show. I mean the first episode is called “Human Flesh” and the restaurant is accused of using human flesh in their burger meat, so it’s a little weird and doesn’t show how cute and funny the show really is. But then you watch three or four more episodes (which are 20 minutes each), and suddenly, you’re hooked. You’re watching them every night, in the morning as you get ready, in the shower. Let’s just say the show is so funny and addicting that after a while, it becomes something like comfort food. It’s a comfort TV show.

The show is about a family living in New Jersey who do their best dealing with all the problems that running a restaurant throws at them. Bob and Linda Belcher own Bob’s Burgers and have three kids: Tina, a sexually awkward teenager, Gene, the sassy younger brother, and Louise, who is the youngest and particularly feisty.

The voices of the characters are what makes the show special. Tina Belcher is 14, yet her voice is played by Dan Mintz (a man) and she talks in a deep, monotonous tone. She fantasizes about her neighbor Jimmy Jr., who loves to dance but isn’t interested in girls yet. Linda Belcher is also voiced by a man named John Roberts, but she has a strong Jersey-mom accent and her character is hilariously innocent and humorous. You may recognize Louise Belcher’s voice as the great Kristen Schaal, who plays many other characters on other shows but adds so much to this show’s heart and humor.

All four seasons on Netflix are spectacular and the new Season Six on TV is going to be great too. If you are looking for a new TV show to love this fall, start Bob’s Burgers, get past the weird first episode, and I promise you will love it.