Get to Know…Laura Ray
Laura Ray is in her first year at RV, teaching English 9 and English 12.
September 1, 2017
Name: Laura Ray
Subject/Classes Taught: English 9, English 12
How many years have you been teaching? Eight
Where were you teaching/What were you doing/prior to coming to Ralston Valley? I was teaching at Collegiate Academy in Littleton, Colorado.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Why? I would be a honey badger because they are just so resilient.
Who/What is your favorite teletubby? The red one because Liz French said so.
What is your favorite sports team? New Orleans Saints. They always have so much talent yet still lose, so I like to make fun of them.
What is your regular Starbucks order? Venti Strawberry Acai Refresher