Backstreet Treats

On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 the numerous RV clubs hosted trick-or-treat street, allowing the younger kids to run throughout the high school halls, collecting candy as they went.

Trevor Randall

At trick-or-treat street, all of the clubs represent RV by dressing up as their favorite super heroes.

Hadley Hagemann, Staff Writer

My Wednesday night involved meeting roughly four Spidermen, eight witches, three dancers, and five Batmen, along with many others. And no, sadly I didn’t get to meet Batman fives times, but I did meet many excited little kids.

For me, Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, so when I heard that as a grown highschool girl I could dress up and paint my face for a night, I got way too excited. Many others felt the same way.

Senior Class President, Trevor Randall, stated, “It was amazing to be able to make all of those kids so happy and provide them with a safe and fun way to get candy and be around high schoolers!”… emphasize the fun.

Every club in the school was there, from Anime Club to Spanish Club; all decorating their halls loosely around the superhero theme put in place.

However, even with the superhero theme all halls had a very different feel to them. StuGo went with a traditional superhero theme (see attached photo), while Spanish Club represented Dia de los Muertos with the Book of Life.

“The halls that clubs created really made the kids smile and it was really cool to see how excited they all were in their costumes when people handed them candy,” said Senior Alicia Pancratz.

All clubs did an amazing job of representing Ralston Valley in a way that made us look fun, yet mature. And based on the smiling faces of the kids I saw behind my skull face paint, they all seemed to have an amazing night, which makes it all worth it.