Welcoming New STUGO Presidents and Showing What it Means to be a Part of STUGO

Katie Resendez

Ralston Valley builds a community of leaders and responsible students that will carry out their lives with integrity. In addition to day-to-day students at Ralston Valley, we have a club dedicated to helping these students use their gift for good, The Ralston Valley Student Government, or STUGO. Each year a student from 10th grade on, that takes part in STUGO, will run for a presidential spot. The sponsor for STUGO, Mrs. Brackets said, “Each member of student government is responsible for their own growth and the culture of our school, a title does not define the impact that a leader can have on our community. The importance of having presidents for each class is that they model not only for STUGO but for our school that leadership is about learning and a desire for continuous improvement.”

With each president comes their responsibilities for the Ralston Valley community…
Each class president is responsible for leading leadership lessons throughout the school year on Growth, Relationships, Integrity, and Passion which are our core values.
In addition, they are responsible for class-specific events like Prom and Graduation.
The Sophomore class president is responsible for finding a prom venue for the upcoming year as well as the traditional senior picnic.
The senior class president and Student Body President will speak at Graduation and will be directly involved in the ceremony.
It is important to have class presidents because they are the liaison between their respective classes, student government, and the adults in our building.
The elected officers are on the interview committee for STUGO Applicants.

Ralston Valley Freshman comes into the school, not knowing what STUGO is or how it is run, other than those applying for entry. STUGO makes the Ralston Valley experience one they will never forget. Braketa said “One of our core beliefs about leadership is that leadership is about providing opportunities for others to be great.” Mrs.Braketa said, “We do this through many of the events where we provide opportunities for others to shine: Talent Show, Homecoming Events, Day Without Hate…”

STUGO holds a value to provide our student body with a safe, entertaining, and loving space to truly live into that culture.” says Student Body Vise President Isabelle Girratano, “Whether it be Homecoming or Make-A-Wish week or even just themes for football games, STUGO is consistently inspiring unity and creating fundamental memories for the high school experience, but we wouldn’t be able to achieve half of our feats without the immense participation and spirit that thrives within RV culture as well. We are simply opening the door to new opportunities for our community to run through, connect, and prosper.”

With the opportunities that STUGO brings to Ralston Valley, the presidents voted to carry it to where it is. Their ability to run the decisions and create a team mentality for the other members make this club an amazing extracurricular to be a part of. When it is voting week RV is filled with posters promoting the new candidates for the future year. But as much as the candidates are happy to be voted in the weeks preparing to create a feeling that is unrecognizable. Although it is a great experience it is stressful to be a part of so why do people want to apply?

“Taking a risk was the foundation of my eagerness and commitment to putting forth my best efforts in running for this position!” said Vice President Isabelle Girratano, “I was so eager to compete for such an honorable position in an area of passion that I love so much: leadership. Typically, I would be known for staying within my own realm of comfort and not straying far from what I know; at minimum, I am a person of routine and order. “

With all that STUGO does for Ralston Valley, their Presidents help make the students, teachers, and others happy to be here. For the 2021-2022 school year our new class presidents include:

Xander Weiser – Student Body President
Isabelle Girratano – Student Body Vice President
Maddie Diesslin – Senior Class President
Ryan Mooney – Junior Class President
Maddie Weiser – Sophomore Class President